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Alona Beach, Panglao ISL, Bohol
Inh. Jeany Añasco

Phone  +63-38-502-9068
Fax       +63-38-502-9068
Email: info(at)bananaland-cottages.com

Programming of the Website

POB 19 43
D-71209 Leonberg
Email: service(at)kobra-net.com

Juridical tips

Own contents are to be distinguished cross-references on the contents held ready by other suppliers. The contents of foreign web pages to which is expelled by means of a hyperlink serve merely the information. The responsibilit for these foreign contents lies only with the supplier who holds ready the contents. We expressly stress that we have no influence on the creation and the contents of linked sides.

Therefore, we do not stick for contents of performed sides and her contents do not adopt to us. No guarantee for the completeness and correctness can be taken over from information which is reached about continuing hyperlinks. The contents of the other web pages can be changed any time without our knowledge. If links should refer in our homepage on the part of whose contents give occasion for the objection, we ask for communication. This explanation counts to all links right on our Internet pages.